The trip is over but the journey continues

After a hiatus to prep, pack and actually go on some adventures I am now back safe and sound with stories to tell and lots of thoughts to ponder.

This is not going to be a travelogue, documenting the step by step daily grind. Face it, that consisted of moving my feet and clocking miles ... not the most interesting stuff.

It's what happens to you and around you that is interesting to me, so as this blog continues it will not be linear in time but will instead be a collection of stories about assorted trips.

I hope you enjoy these tales, ranging from emotional lows to fleeting highs, dangerous moments and inspiring successes, people we met good and bad, and how the people interacted with each other and how I changed from all of the above.

How does this all add up and what happened? Read on ...

Thursday, August 16, 2012

The thousand word picture

I assume everyone would come up with a different story about what is happening here.  Some would see a picture of an attractive woman, others would see a hiker, some may wonder about where the trail came from or where it goes, others may be interested in the conditions, or her state of mind.

This picture jumped out at me and I really like it, and not just because Laura is featured in it or because I took it. There are a lot of interesting things happening in this picture and I wonder what someone sees who did not share in the experience. I think it tells a number of stories about this adventure and about hiking in general.

Take a moment and comment on my Facebook page at  Tell me what you see or how this picture makes you feel. 

I will post my thoughts in a future blog.  

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